I don’t like sand

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Kind of, but not fully. It’s more like I’m aware that the reality is I have to start being careful even if I’m still considered “young”, more like don’t do any stupid shit

    I swear, since the day I turned 28, anytime I stand in 1 spot for more than 30 seconds where I lock one of my knees, if I then adjust or move, I get fuckin rice crispy knees LOL

    I had my gallbladder out in my late 20s, but that’s more caused by gaining 50 lbs in college and then losing 20 lol

    Other than that, that’s basically it so far, thankfully. I don’t really have back pain or other stuff. I have a sedentary job (I’m in IT) where I sit at a desk almost the entire work day (we do 1 walk), but I also can take a 1.5 hr break if I go to the gym instead of 1h, so I do that instead, which helps my health. I’m trying to do tennis on Tues and Thursdays as well

  • Can you provide a link to the “noise” memo that was leaked? I must’ve missed it because I haven’t heard of this. If it convinced you and was the final straw to delete your account, I’d be interested in seeing it as well

    I’m more set on overriding all my comments, but I’m still on the fence about deleting the whole account. At least, once I know with 100% certainty that they won’t be reverted back to their original states (if possible)