*For a limited set of languages. Until they add Japanese I won’t be getting much use from it, sadly.
*For a limited set of languages. Until they add Japanese I won’t be getting much use from it, sadly.
I’ve never had a Windows machine that can stay on longer than ~3 days before developing weird behaviour so it’s off right now until I get home.
Not against this feature, but this quote made me laugh:
… once this is in place, people won’t have to scour the internet for sourcing subtitles to their favorite movies, shows, or even anime.
As if MTL will get anywhere near the nuance of a properly made human translation.
Does “all” remove every type of segment? Because that seems excessive for most people, there is a lot of filler/etc sections that are over-zealously tagged.
I have no idea how your code works but I appreciate it for the excited guy /(oo)/
Apex should take notes. Sadly, they won’t.
“This enforcement began in the immediate aftermath of the incident, as part of our standard practice to address content related to violent tragedies.”
Tragedy is a strong word.
There’s still good stuff, but less of it and fewer amateurs sadly. The “amateurs” that are there are all promoting their OnlyFans. The year or so after the sweep was pretty clear how much they lost.
The random office PC with an older i7, no GPU, and two hard drives I was using idled at around 70W. So… it goes either way.
Edit: This was a “standard” ATX tower PC and reading your other comments it sounds like that isn’t what you’re referring to.
37 under 18 compared to 33 over 18. Close to a 50/50 split. Link
We’re just going to ignore that school shooters are generally minors and thus not treated the same as adults? Okay then.
I, too, watched Legal Eagle’s video.
I still see the old one so your comment is appreciated
It is possible to agree with something and still believe it is terribly presented.
This problem is solved by having paper towels (air dryers suck) and placing the paper towel trash bin next to the door so that you can use your hand-full of towels as a barrier between the handle and throw the towels away as you leave.
And yet Windows 7 did all these things 10 years ago faster than Win 11 does them now.
There are podcasts that record live, it’s a thing.
IMO, yes. HDDs are always going to be a bit noisy, but the consumer grades keep it fairly classy. The couple of HGST drives I got from ServerPartDeals are noisy in the “grating” way. The volume is similar but the noise is not in the normal pleasant range. I am only fine with it because my server is in another room.
Don’t make the same mistake I did. Get a backup in place before using ZFS. Using ZFS and RAIDing your drives together makes them a singular failure point. If ZFS fucks up, you’re done. The only way to mitigate this is having another copy in a different pool and preferably different machine. I got lucky that my corrupted ZFS pool was still readable and I could copy files off, but others have not been so lucky.