Eh, still feels like a good chance he’d let his ego get in the way of sanity
Eh, still feels like a good chance he’d let his ego get in the way of sanity
How long until Elon throws a fit and fires people at Starlink until they ignore judge’s orders?
Alerted my folks and friends with cats. Unlikely to have spread to Canada in any meaningful numbers, but best to have the knowledge and see if that can be vaccinated against
The confusion is a feature
Honestly, I am fully expecting riots this November and December over the election because of the confusion
With extra hate thrown in
“Remember children! The gays are actually demons! If you meet a gay, say no way!”
Considering how heavily Psychotic Flavoured Christian they are?
It’ll be a gold mine for shit post memes
Fluoride does strengthen teeth. However, this study shows that maybe dentists should be administering it (A dentist handed me a mouthwash with it, and literally I had a choice of a daily one or a weekly one, and since it’s mouth wash, you’re supposed to spit it out. So clearly it can be applied to the teeth without needed to be ingested at all)
I like this new tradition
“I mean everything is blurry!” “The future often is”
Considering the sheer strain on the body pregnancy and birth have, I feel like being a mysoginist would automatically qualify one for a breeding fetish
Although the ADHD joke is spot on - ADHD gets treated with amphetamines, and straight up meth is used for the most severe cases (I myself am on dextroamphetamine for my ADHD)
Generic ones sold as store brands by CVS, Walmart, Target and Walgreens
Generic Mucinex
Including Walgreens’ version of Anbesol, an oral pain reliever; Walmart’s Equate brand face moisturizer with sunscreen; and Rite Aid’s version of Bengay muscle rub.
Those were the mentioned ones
Imagine if the Project 2025 plans to question the results and bring it to the corrupt supreme court all failed because Trump impulsively fled? Would be hilarious
Oh, the book says things on abortions
Like God not considering babies as alive until birth, giving instructions to outright abort in some cases, and to dash baby heads against rocks if the babies are of the enemy
Metal pole
Also hardest thing I bit. I dented it. My teeth did not chip or crack at all
I sometimes wonder if I am part Idiot Anime Protagonist
Firefox with Tor for specific stuff
Worst part is that if the anti vax/mask idiots didn’t get a platform, the quarantines wouldn’t have lasted as long AND might have had a real shot of eradicated Covid
But no, muh freedumbs
I am damned sure I got it at some point. My main issue is separating fog from my adhd
btw, Lion’s Mane, supposed to promote new neuron growth. It might be placebo, but a bottle of that helped my mind clear up some, and it stuck after I stopped
Also plastic wrapping stuff delivered. There is DEFINITELY something that could be inspired by interlocking blocks to replace all that plastic wrap for securing loads
Dems need to draw a line in the sand here and do some of the campaigning on this
“They are so afraid that they would rather shut down government than allow votes”