Chaotic good or we can’t be friends.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Can you seriously not see how your “opinion” hurts people? My opinion is that dicks are icky and no one should be allowed to have one. Me and millions of other like-minded individuals are going to vote this into law. Lots of people are going to bleed out and die from their dick removal. Let’s talk about how awesome my hero is, they cut thousands of dicks off and encouraged other people to do the same! That makes you feel good, right? No? Why are you so mad? It’s just my opinion!

  • I came here early in the reddit migration. The content I wanted was there, but I understood that new content would be created here with time.That proved to be completely true. The amount of content has absolutely exploded in a short time and it’s still growing.

    It was worth the risk to use something that both reflects my value system and does not support those that actively behave in ways I find deplorable. I’d rather not engage in social media at all than support any of those monsters. I never used x/twitter. I left Facebook years and years ago, but was never a huge fan anyway. But, make no mistake, I really loved reddit. I adored it. It was my favorite place on the internet for a third of my life. But spez ruined it by mistreating people. It hurt to leave, but I had no other option.

    I think the lack of content is an excuse. I think, if you haven’t left by now, you just don’t really care - especially if you are aware of alternatives. You probably don’t want to have to care either.