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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Hehe, that might actually have been more of the Uncle’s influence.

    He’s the one that started me on the science fiction addiction- when I got into his (then-complete) collection on VHS. I found them and started. Binge watching them. Got to Trouble With tribbles when I was found out- and then it was my Uncle who was like “oh! That’s my favorite. Rewind it while I go make popcorn!”

  • my first beowolf cluster, I built because I wanted to improve my pentium 486’s chances at doing well in some random FOSS benchmark (PiMark? it calculated pi… and you could ‘donate’ cpu runtime to help calculate more digits of pi.) It was cobbled out of my dad’s spare part’s rack.
    Should have seen my dad’s face when he realied why i built the beowolf… “You mean… you did this. FOR PI??”(“Okay, that’s actually cool.”)

  • First video game I remember playing? Short Order on NES (with the pad.) That was followed shortly by monopoly- also NES.

    First game I beat? was dad’s copy of Zelda (NES,) Which… I wasn’t supposed to be playing. I got caught when I saw my dad was struggling with the water temple.
    “Dad…dad DAD. you go here. get that. Do this. And then do this that and this.”
    “Oh. Cool. wait. how do you know this?”
    “Oh i beat it last week.”
    <awkward pause>
    “you better pay attention. that’s the boss.”
    “We’re not telling mom about this.”

  • I remember once, on a world building forum for a group of sci-fi nerds… I dropped a meme to troll trek nerds. (okay so it was a screen grab of the TOS episode where kirk and spoc crashland on that planet where Cochrain was staying with the energy-creature-hottie. You know the scene where spock is building a universal translator…)

    Yeah, so the gist of the joke was that Star Wars was better than Star Trek because even Spock wanted a lightsaber.

    After their outrage subsided the freaking nerds started trying to figure out a way to build an actual lightsaber. They got everything down 'cept the power source. It was glorious. And not something that would happen on today’s reddit.