Friendship ended with Mastodon
My new best friend is Bluesky
Friendship ended with Mastodon
My new best friend is Bluesky
Milking the deaths of beloved celebrities for fake internet points and people destroying their “F” keys as though someone just died in a video game, like r🤮ddit did with Carrie Fisher, Technoblade, Shinzo Abe, the Queen of England…
It’s just so pathetic and disrespectful.
I like the customizable LEDs on my razer mouse mat, except when my PC (2021 15.6-inch razer laptop) decides that since I just went 6 hours without installing what are now almost daily win10 patches, it’s time to fuck up my drivers- and then it exits sleep mode despite the lid being closed and there being nothing wrong with my power settings, causing my fans to jet-engine, the logo led thing to come on and the mouse mat to shine brighter than a sun with its default color-cycle thing. And for bonus points, sometimes it even tries to address the problem by actually auto-updating at the time I told it to (1 AM or something), so I get startled by the “du dun, duh dun doooooo” which always seems louder at night.
And I dare not switch to linux, as razer laptops are not a common laptop choice and therefore it’s unclear how I’d be able to keep all its complicated and already-buggy drivers and proprietary software up to date so they don’t make it overheat within the first week, especially since the odds of me finding any help online for converting such an exotic rig to ubuntu are minimal to none.
Mario and Smash Bros (millenials grew up with those, they’re currently 30-40) will be the new bingo
Ubuntu, because I’m fine with something that “just works”