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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I agree with your point about freedom of speech but would like to elaborate a little more. Free speech is the domain of government and most speech in the US falls outside that area.

    I don’t particularly want the government to regulate speech if it is not absolutely necessary. Instead we should have a very strong culture that prevents and shames things like othering people. Basically a woke culture that the right loves to complain about but much stronger than it is today.

    I don’t see eye to eye with with you over sweeping away lying, manipulation, and the fraudulent behavior we see in our countries leaders both private and public sector.

    Simply put a doctor cannot lie to you or they would lose their license. Politicians and other leaders should be no different. This is not rocket science, if someone manipulates and lies they have no business in government.

    There is a reason they renamed propaganda as public relations. They knew the public didn’t like it, so they obscured it to hide what it really is. Using social science to manipulate people through fear and disgust should be straight up illegal.

    When the government looks to regulate speech it should be about protecting the populace from harm. Just like the state would press charges on your abusive partner, even against your will, the government has an obligation to do the same for leadership roles.

    This is because of the power in relation to everyone else leaders have. It is not okay for your pastor or teacher to deceive you. Why are we giving a politician, who arguably can cause far more harm, the right to do so? It is a rather bizarre aspect of our society at the moment.

    Right now the best of psychological science is being used against our populace as a weapon and that is unacceptable.

  • In regards to Stop the Steal, it just shows us that propaganda works. Allowing liars and deceivers a mouthpiece means they can spread their message far and wide. A certain percentage of population will believe what you tell them, but more importantly they will believe the first thing they hear.

    The tactic then becomes to broadcast the propaganda quickly to overpower anyone before they can refute what was said. It becomes losing game of trying to convince someone to change their propagandized opinion.

    Needless to say using psychology to manipulate people should be illegal. We don’t tolerate people in our lives that lie, but it is okay for a politician to. Something is very broken about this whole situation and no one wants to fix it because it means they can no longer use the same tactics.

  • Sure, you don’t actually own it. The words you strung together are not actually yours nor is the grammar you strung it together with. The knowledge you used to create it is also not yours.

    The only way to ensure no one reads, borrows, or “steals” your work is to never share it with anyone and certainly never put it on the Internet.

    The only way to ensure it is truly yours is to never have participated in society, invent your own language, and of course hide it from ever being discovered.

    This is the only real way. You need to create in a vacuum and lock it up so no one will ever find it. Then and only then can it truly be yours.

  • I learned all of that myself decades ago at Uni. I had a high level water class and we were supposed to do a one-hour presentation on a topic of our choice.

    During my research to come up with a topic for the lecture I read an article about a small town in Canada that ran out of fluoride for their water supply. The article cited a downturn in fertilizer production as the culprit.

    I was very confused at first. Going to the EPA website revealed that fluoride was a naturally occuring compound in water supplies. No mention of how you could run out of something naturally occuring in water.

    I went on a trip with the class to a water plant. I asked the operator there about fluoride. He explained they added it to the water and it was not naturally occuring.

    This lead me to discover that fertilizer plants sold their toxic waste product to municipalities instead of disposing of it properly. Mind blown. Furthermore the research proving fluoride in the water supplies prevented cavities was flawed at best.

    My research indicated that fluoride causes a developmental delay which results in teeth eruption about two years later than normal. So fluoride poisoning makes it look like your teenage teeth have fewer cavities but they are just not as old.

    Once you looked at these same teeth later on there was no real difference. So the benefit of having your teeth erupt later disappeared as you got older. Which makes a lot of sense.

    There is no clinical reason to ingest pharmaceutical grade fluoride let alone the toxic shit that comes from the scrubbers of fertilizer plants. There is no mechanism to return fluoride to your teeth except maybe throwing up before it has been absorbed.

    My presentation went great. Everyone was fascinated and I got a near perfect score. I am not a fluoride hater because fluoride works great topically.

    The truth is astounding and the amount of pushback I have gotten explaining all this on the Internet has been ridiculous to say the least.