Honestly, I am mostly here for fun. If you see me writing some outrageous shit, most probably did so to see reactions of people.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Demdaru@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldAbout that...
    7 days ago

    Most distributions have detailed instructions on their sites, like Linux Mint. But overall, it amounts to:

    1. Choose disteibution
    2. Download it’s installation image ( I recommend LiveUSB version - it will allow you to check if you like it first and most distributions have them )
    3. Prepare bootable usb stick ( I recommend Rufus for that )
    4. When done, reboot your computer choosing usb drive as boot
    5. If LiveUSB version, check out whether you like what you see and if everything works. If you like it, there should be install app on desktop
    6. Proceed with install process. For most linuxes, it’s 1:1 windows installation process, minus ads and forcing you into online stuff.
    7. Enjoy linux ^^

    Edit: Also, you can simply download distributions en masse and boot them up in VirtualBox or something to check them out without making USB each time. Allows bypassing requirement of LiveUSB too - you can just install it in its box. However not all distributions like being virtual boxxed

  • Demdaru@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldAbout that...
    8 days ago

    Short Hipocrisy version, because people I also wrote books there:

    Windows sucks your data and tries to put ads everywhere. Linux is a type of operating system, that is free and open source - everybody can make their version. Thus, there are no ads, and the moment they try to spy on you, community picks up the torches. So, people who know their stuff rally behind linux. HOWEVER. Linux isn’t windows - it doesn’t support the same programs and needs you to fight off command line anxiety.

    Today linux is basically botherless to work with, but even then, I still had to boot up command line to install some old ass drivers or some shit.

    Heck, what’s more - there’s only one/two version of active windows, but there’s many linux distributions (which are the “made by other folk” version I talked before), so you can pick the one that fits you. Most folks recommend Linux Mint as it’s the most Windows like experience, but if you like chromebooks there’s also Peppermint OS, and if you want full versatility there’s also Debian.

  • Demdaru@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldHow to treat a man
    1 month ago

    Meanwhile men don’t have access to support groups, are not supported by anyone when they admit it, get straight up ridiculed for this ever happenning by both everyday people and justice system…

    It happens to both genders. But we managed to build fundamental lattice of support for one of them (fundamental as in there’s still so much to do), while failing to even recognize the other one faces this problem too. We do not have to compromise on helping one side to help the other - that’s straight up not an option. But we should help, and recognize the need of help, for both.

  • The only “unneeded” abortions are those that are forced on the mother against her will.

    Abortion is killing off another human being, so it’s not really that black and white. Also, I agree that forced abortions are, at the very least, unneeded.

    The only “help” our hypothetical victim has requested is an abortion, and she hasn’t requested it from you.

    What I meant by help is therapy, societal support and the like. If we just presume that every woman wanting abortion is a rape victim, these forms of help would loose support due to lessening the weight of situation.

    Why are you choosing to involve yourself?

    The only place I chose to involve myself initially was in calling a human being brought into this world through people knowing what they are doing a parasite.

    I’ll stop you right there.

    It was you who wanted to kniw my rationale. I simply responded.

    As our situation does not involve anyone accused of a criminal act, there is no valid justification to presume consent.

    Meanwhile, however, you require others to presume that there’s a rape victim. This means there’s criminal act, and thus is a valid justification.

    If your personal code of morality only allows you to accept abortion in the case of non-consent, you may presume non-consent. You can satisfy your own morality by accepting the possibility that she was raped, and just doesn’t want to talk about it. You can simply presume she meets your arbitrary criteria; you have no need to actually prove her status to any degree of certainty.

    I’ll be honest, only at this point I actually got what you are going for, but sadly, it applies both ways and depends highly on someones morality. While I cannot say in good faith that I would choose life of an unborn baby over it’s mothers health - be it mental or physical - there are people whose moral compas wouldn’t allow to simply accept killing off such child. There are also more reasonable - in ny opinion - people who simply don’t want us to kill off unborns due to the mere convienience.

    My point from the get go was, however, to not treat creating a new living being from activity meant for doing just that as a surpise and/or punishment. For people to think about what they are doing, and what consequences may be.

  • About presuming she met any criteria: If our aim is to limit unneeded abortions, then this approach is not only invalid, but also damaging. It will work against the target of removing casual abortions while also removing a lot of weight behind act of rape. The second part is dangerous because it could lessen actual amount of help for victims. Also, this means that woman would have to prove she’s a victim - by gaining second opinion, most probably with the help of police, maybe could be done by medical specialist. I’d honestly rather lean onto the other, to remove need for criminal investigation if such is unwanted by victim.

    About last point: I choose to presume consent because great majority of children is conceived consensually, and as such this is default, and I’d treat a rape victim as a rape victim, not much to say about that one. Case by case.

    1. I didn’t aim to proclaim “women need to admit to rape to get healthcare”. I countered instead calling fetus a rapist - an actively and wholly out of control of a woman agressor. No, unethical situations aside, both parties knew what consequences are there. No use getting pissed at someone/thing because of your own stupidity.

    2. I put rape aside because it wasn’t aimed at discussing this part in depth but…if you want, why not. First of all, women, as you wrote, are not obligated to admit to being a victim of rape. And yes, in the way I described it above, it’s suggested that rape victims are entitled to abortion. However, the mental jump to then switching the logic around that any woman looking for abortion was raped is simply illogical in the same manner that saying only alcoholics buy alcohol is. In the dystopian version of the world where abortion is fully illegal except for unexpected and unethical situations like rape, I think that yes, women would have to admit to being a victim to receive medical help. There’s simply hardly any other way.