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Are you saying illegal immigrants should illegally obtain firearms?
FYI a vasectomy isn’t a 100% guarantee against getting a woman pregnant as it can sometimes heal, even years after.
A DNA test should still have been ordered in that circumstance.
Nah we have white eggs here too.
I was distracted by some other students and grabbed a soldering iron in a metal workshop class when I was young.
The results were predictably uncomfortable and now when Im soldering it is impossible to distract me.
It’s the kind of lesson you don’t ever forget.
Obvious bait.
Even citing certain statistics is likely to earn a ban. It isn’t hard to imagine what, given that they are notoriously thrown around by actual racists.
Pretty damn sure you would argue that quoting certain statistics would be racist.
Very US defaultism of you.
Are these best shearers not still commoditizing the products of the body of another thinking being?
What does that have to do with the question of whether or not the process of shearing is violent?
How do we know your claims of non-violent sheering are true?
How do you know PETAs claims are true? (“As reported by PETA, one eyewitness to the process said”)
I’ve been an eyewitness to the process, and I’m not idealogically biased the way PETA extremists are known to be.
Where is the sheep in this shed, now?
What? This sentence just doesn’t make sense. The sheep don’t live in the shed.
The females of the breeds I have observed don’t have horns, and their tails are docked to prevent excrutiatingly painful death by flystrike.
The alternative to wool production in Australia is cotton, which is even more environmentally destructive than sheep are, mostly due to the sheer amount of water required for cotton production. People need clothes so these industries aren’t going away.
Shearers have an interest in not causing unecessary harm to sheep, because it is counter productive. That’s my experience.
The rest of your argument is moralising which I am uninterested in.
This is even funnier because black boxes are bright orange
Have you seen how wool is actually collected?
Yes, in a shearing shed and not on youtube.
It is not violent when done correctly, and the best shearers in the industry who can smoothly and quickly sheer a sheep without injury are highly sought after.
I hope our politicians are ready to tell the American military that are stationed here to pack up and go home.
The yanks are now the biggest security threat we face.
Zero results found
whoever was the genius who thought it was a good idea to read things ONE F*CKING BYTE AT A TIME with system calls for each byte should be retroactively aborted
He really does have a point here…
For those downvoting, Linus Torvalds earned around $650k USD last year, solely from his work on Linux and not including any speaking gigs.
He’s not Bill Gates rich but Linus is very well off.
It really must be…
The plan is their mygov id system and this has been years in the making.
Australian governments (both lib and labor) are on board with this and have been salivating over the idea of an internet more locked down than South Korea’s.
There is a whole ecosystem at work where hackers can trade tools, collaborate, announce successes and confirm they are behind a breach.
The ransomware system relies on the majority of actors following through on their part of the bargain or no one would ever pay a ransom.
There are many parallels to how the majority of real world piracy was conducted.
Your comment will age poorly when Trump’s tarrifs lead to a collapsing economy and he prints money like mad to solve it, resulting in hyper-inflation letting President Musk keep his election promise.
There are 3 rocks on the bottom line of the F and only two on the top, he could already finish it but only by angling them in slightly and having a sharp |> sorta deal🤓