Sounds like something a narc would say.
Is that link rigged…? This is what I got:
Depending on where you are. The farms are still selling multiple dozen for like $8.
Haha. Good point. Glad I’m not there, or from there.
I think it’s at least somewhat common in non-US countries. At least from what I’ve seen.
Maybe try sinning then?
Thank you! I was slightly confused as well.
Haha. Nice one (pun). No worries.
I thought tyre was European. I usually see tire in north America.
Hell yeah!
95 % of the time. I don’t if I’m in public and in close proximity to someone.
Thanks. Agreed.
I don’t wanna see maga shit. I blocked many words for this exact reason. Why you do this?
If she didn’t, she’s not living her best life.
Yeah, I guess there’s a whole section on other media he was featured in haha.
I’m not IT, but friends with a bunch. None are cannibals (that I know of), but good weird.
Rammstein lyrics I take it? I haven’t heard that song in years.