Don’t choose Germany, though, we (and a lot of nations, actually) still for some reason have citizenship-by-blood/heritage laws more or less straight out of the 19th century, not citizenship-by-birthplace laws.
Some weird, German communist, hello. He/him pronouns and all that. Obsessed with philosophy and history, secondarily obsessed with video games as a cultural medium. Also somewhat able to program.
Don’t choose Germany, though, we (and a lot of nations, actually) still for some reason have citizenship-by-blood/heritage laws more or less straight out of the 19th century, not citizenship-by-birthplace laws.
Funnily enough, I had never gotten one on my old account which was >4 years old on .ml - but after I made this one on my own instance, in less than a day, I finally got one.
It’s a simple choice, really, considering how many hours I managed to invest as a kid:
Hmm, I wonder if that value for the UK ~2005 is just a statistical artefact, or if something culturally happened to temporarily create more homophobia in the late 90s/early2000s.
(Same but less pronounced US ~2010, but that looks more definitely like an artefact to me)
That’s understandable and fair enough - main reason I pointed it out was because your comment made it seem like the video was one of the watchtime bait ones, that only reveal the answer halfway through or even only at the end, potentially keeping even people interested from even trying to watch. Thankfully, its right at the beginning, and the rest is just details about development, context, gameplay and such.
Funnily enough, he reveals that quite early in the video, so you saved them maybe 5 minutes at best. EDIT: It’s actually at about the 1:15 mark
I think there is one more piece to the situation: Ultimately, it would be down to the executive to actually implement those things. Now, even where they haven’t been replaced by loyalists, they have to face one more thing: What are the consequences if they defy the court vs what are the potential consequences for defying Trump.
As long as there is no determined, organised opposition, that makes it clear there will be a new status quo after Trump and crimes will be punished, they have many reason to fear Trump’s cronies, and little to fear the courts.
And I mean an opposition that is actually capable and willing to take power, not some sort of “moral opposition”.
Am I missing something? Isnˋt that just a traditional remedy for vitamin D deficiency? (And, well, I guess it also has decently healthy fatty acids and some other nutrients)
Basically: Resident enfranchisement. It’s weird, when people born in our country and having lived here their whole life can’t vote outside of local elections. My own father, for example, had a Dutch background, and was never allowed to vote in federal elections until his death. (Neither he nor I even spoke/speak a single phrase of Dutch)
Yes, things have gotten somewhat better and easier with applications for citizenship, but that there are hurdles like that to begin with, is a bit… weird.