I never understood books that romanticised summer. Like wow you love 40C weather at 90% humidity with a chance of getting a heat stroke in less than an hour?
I feel personally attacked :(
Where the fuck do you live? An equatorial rain forest?
In some of the hotest parts of the US it can get above 120F sometimes, and a quick google tells me that is about 49C.
39C and 30+ at night with very little humidity is less exhausting, but still horrible.
Mediterranean coast. 💀
The equator and its rain forests are much more pleasant. Plenty of shade and the temps don’t reach quite as high. It’s the tropics that get nasty. There was a stretch of the border between the US and Mexico that reached 115 this week. The summer I spent in Texas years ago broke a record for never getting below 90 for something like 45 days, and the apartment I had didn’t use AC. That was a nasty summer.
These conditions are not uncommon.
That’s more a function of where you live, really. For instance, I prefer summer cause you can go out and do things, go to the beach, to mountains, to the lake, eat outside and stay out until late with lots of light.
But I guess in India winter is not that harsh (at least not on the Himalayas) and probably more enjoyable than in other parts of the world.
Oh yeah, I definitely get that. This is mostly from my experience of reading Enid Blyton books as a kid lol.
Actually, the northern parts of India close to the Himalayas, the Himalayas and other mountain ranges themselves have pretty harsh winters. There are always reports of people dying because of the cold. The rest of the country, winter is pretty mild. In my place the lowest it goes to is like 8C.
I feel you. I get a heat stroke not long ago :( it was approximately the same temperature and the same humidity ( ~ 80/70 % )
Sometimes I feel like a freak in society for not loving summer and not too bothered by winter.
Do you live somewhere where it goes below freezing regularly during winter?
Edit: to expand on that, it’s not the temperatures that bother me during the winter. It’s the extremely unsafe road conditions.
Here I am to be a contrarian: I love summer and it doesn’t even go below freezing during winter. It rarely even goes below 5 °C.
…or maybe I’d enjoy winter more if we had snow instead of just rain and depression?
Nothing ruins snow for you quite like living in a place that gets a lot of snow
As someone who moved from a country with similar winter to snow country, I think you’d enjoy snow. As long as you dress right, it’s not as bad as it looks. Unlike rain, you can dust it off before it melts indoors so you’re less wet. Snow is fun to play with and beautiful. And my favourite is after a snow storm, fresh snow absorbs so much sound so it’s super quiet and calm. I love going for a walk after! Probably great for depression!
There was a time I lived in Iowa, and it was the first time I lived somewhere with regular snow. I dislike cold, and I dislike dark, but those moments of walking by myself through my quiet neighborhood at night during a snowstorm were pretty awesome.
That said, I’m fully in camp summer.
Yeah I do, and I don’t drive, but I am very aware that driving is a nightmare in freezing temperatures and totally get your point there.
Hey fair enough man!
I like not waking up at night, going to work, and coming home at night. I like that I can be out during the day after work. I like watermelon and lighter clothes. I like riding my bike comfortably and I like passing by pretty women in summer dresses. I like how empty public transportation is because kids aren’t going to school and their parents go on vacation.
I like not waking up at night
… while it’s 28°C inside even with all windows open.
Not everyone lives in places that get that hot, it’s 20c here in the mornings and it goes up to 24/26.
I used to live in a place like that. Now with climate change doing its Thing Summers here are getting hotter every year and much earlier. I hate it
Exactly. It’s not that people prefer the hot over the cold. It’s thats they prefer the activities of one season over the other.
I prefer gardening, swimming, and a whole host of other things over ice skating or skiing. I prefer backpacking without needing to wear snow shoes. An ice cold lemonade is wayyyy more refreshing than a cup of hot cocoa. At least to me. To each his own.
Also, cold hurts, it makes exposed skin tingle and makes me less flexible. Heat is uncomfortable, you just have to manage your water and use of shade better.
Longer days is what I like about summer. Leave the house For work its bright out and Finish work it’s still bright out side.
Well. I work the day. So I prefer winter. Plus I know it’s unpopular. But I prefer girl with a lots of cloth. Not for moral reason but because I love woman with winter style. And I don’t like to be in a too empty public transportation it’s make me feel uncomfortable. We are very opposite. That funny in a way.
Of course, to each their own!
Summer does suck for its own reasons, but I’m overall much happier during summer than the winter.
Maybe it’s the sun, maybe it’s the temperature or the lack of allergies, but I’m always in a much better mood and more energetic despite getting tired from the heat.and then, there are the spring and autumn enjoyers. The most based people on the planet.
Neither extreme is good but I do prefer winter despite having to bulk up.
I love having to bulk up. It’s like a big ol hug you get to wear.
I love autumn and early spring. Fuck extremism. Summer is worse than winter but only marginally.
I like autumn and spring too. I just think winter is BETTER
I like both at first and then I fucking hate it and can’t wait for the opposite
I don’t like wildfires and drought either.
I can relate. I prefer man made fire.
I like summer. I can handle the heat much easier than the cold. That being said, spring is best. Nice pretty flowers, everything is green and lush. Brings a tear to the eye just thinking about it, I want it to be spring again.
Come back to me, winter my beloved…
I… guess this makes me a non-average summer fan.
Because it needs to be very, very hot (and dry) for me to complain about hot weather. Humid hot? Paradise. I’m built for the tropics.
Okey. That more terrifying.
Omg im not alone. More humidity is better. Somehow it feels comfortable.
We are a threatened species. Glad to know I’m not alone either.
Wtf lol. I love the heat, but a dry heat. Dry heat is amazing. Humid heat just sucks
I like spring because I don’t feel it’s too cold or too hot and the wind breeze is a very nice spring bonus
As a winter enjoyer, honestly, it could be 70F every day and 55F every night, 365¼ days a year, and I’d never complain about it again. But sometimes, I think the only reason I love winter is because in Oklahoma, our seasons are:
- Decent t-shirt weather (but throw in a 90 degree day or a total blizzard from time to time just for fun)
- Tornado Hell
- What if were almost as hot as Arizona, almost as humid as Florida, and that wind we’re so famous for stopped blowing?
- Pretty colors signal the arrival Tornado Hell 2: Electric Boogaloo
I fully believe the reason the south is so fat is because 1. There’s not just a ton of good hiking nearby unless you already live in the wilderness, and 2. The weather sucks for basically 10 months of the year and the best you can do is hide from it inside your house.
Where’s the cute jacket?
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