I celebrate the solstice in both the summer and winter.
The winter solstice is a celebration of the family of hearth and home. A quite and intimate celebration within your household where you exchange handmade gifts with the goal of improving the lives of those around you.
The summer solstice is a celebration of the family of the trail, those you pick up along the way who come to mean more than a passing fondness. This is celebrated as a large bonfire where everyone brings food or drink for theirs and two more and are encouraged to invite someone they’d like to know better than they already do. The goal is to meet others and celebrate life.
I want to start doing this
I’d highly suggest it. The winter solstice is a very refreshing take on the holiday season. Gifts aren’t expected, we mostly just give socks, or warm blankets. Everyone in the house has a drawstring bag associated with the holiday and we put the socks and maybe candies in them too be opened after dinner on solstice night. Bigger gifts aren’t frowned upon, but they have to be something meaningful and ideally with some level of hand made. This last year my spouse gave me 5 pairs of socks that she tyedyed herself and I gave her a dinosaur shaped coathook and plack for her backpack to hang on.
Thats really sweet, I’ve been wanting to stop partaking in religious holidays for religions I don’t belong to lol
That’s the main reason we adopted it, best choice we ever made.
I go camping with my girlfriend during winter solstice. We started going a couple of years ago and kept doing it, now it’s something of a tradition.
National Crab Rangoon Day, February 13.
Is it a made up holiday? Yes. But all holidays are made up. This one gives me crab rangoon. Your move, Flag Day.
In my culture we (weirdly) celebrate the day one of our political journalists was assassinated and his body thrown in a well. It’s more of a sad remembrance day, but it’s somehow evolved into a festive thing where we toast somewhat darkly to his good health
I’ve always thought about celebrating Arbor Day like that episode of Raising Hope. Yes, it’s primarily so I can talk about Pop pa Woody.
Wolfenoot! Though it’s been a few years…
International Talk Like a Pirate Day