I may have ask this before but im not too sure.

So it leems i wont be able to get into theripy anytime soon for some dumb reasons and also some family members problems have to be taken care of first like surgerys and whatnot.

I have depression pretty badly which kinda runs in the modern age like a plague and im not sure what to do with it, im not even sure what to do now or in the future. i feel very lost and stuck while being in some sort of werid loop. it dosent help how i have autism which also stinks. it feels like i always want things instanly or my interest changes every day, which is prety annoying and im limited in many ways.

what can i do to help with depression and life?..

  • wildeaboutoskar@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Things that help me:

    • Having a routine- every Sunday I walk into town and get a nice coffee/cake and read for a while and just be around people. If I stay inside for too long I will start to self isolate.

    • Hobby- I go to a couple of choirs during the week. It helps me get out of the house and it’s an activity that stops me dwelling on things. You’re usually too busy focusing on the music to think of anything else. Singing also helps you regulate your breathing which is supposed to help with relaxation and sleeping.

    • Spend time in or around nature, even if that’s a pet. Being around green space can help ground you. Being around animals can be a massive boost. Go to the park with a book and spot dogs.

    • Medication - this has helped me more than anything but isn’t for everyone. I also had a few rounds of therapy but didn’t get loads out of it, but it may well work for you.

  • Shrubbery@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I like to deal with mine by:

    Work out almost daily, Be in nature often, Eat healthy, Get good sleep, Therapy, Socialize, Hobbies.

    I know all that is easier said than done. Exercise really is my primary medication. If i take more than 2 days off, the dark cloud starts engulfing me.

    Medication helped me out of my deepest pit, but i am off that now.

    • Emanresu@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I agree with you about this, i just feel you forgot one minor point. People that are depressed kinda have those things and their opportunity for them reduced each year. I’d LOVE to do those things… but how?

      • Shrubbery@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        That’s a good question, and the answer will be unique to you. My answer to not letting myself continually get sucked into lethargy over and over again was to tell myself “What good is free will if i am not going to do anything with it?” I make the decision everyday to keep my intertia towards delaying that dark cloud from consuming me. It’s not easy to do, and took several breaking points to get there. Heck, i may fall back into it, but today i decide for myself to delay it.

        • Emanresu@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          The answer really isn’t unique to me or OP though. We are slaves who get treated worse each time tech and practices get better, allowing us to work less but making us work more. We don’t even have human rights recognised by english speaking countries in any reasonable way. Things are clearly accelerating at getting worse each year.

          • Shrubbery@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            I agree that the world is a messed up place. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you are powerless over your own mental health. The op asked for productive tools to deal with depression, and i provided my anecdotal response. Not everyone is going to be able to deal with their problems in the same ways that i am able to, and that is okay.