EDIT: GO DM MODS OF YOUR FAVORITE SUBREDDITS AND POLITELY ASK ABOUT MIGRATION!: something as simple as “Hey, I love this community but I no longer use reddit, will you guys be making a community on Kbin or other alternatives? Let me know please, thanks.” will work!! We need more voices encouraging migration!
ModCodeofConduct switching subs to SFW
“What the users want” my ass. Reddit doesn’t give 2 shits about what the users want.
r/interestingasfuck removed as well
I understand now, and you’re certainly entitled to your opinion.
That type of content comes with the territory, and could easily be avoided until relatively recently if you didn’t go looking for it.
What was arguably the most diverse and far reaching collection of individual message boards cannot be filed away as a hyperbolic monolith of the perceived horrors such a place will inevitably contain.
Whatever your interest, reddit had a lively discussion for it. The cancer you describe is a result of the society it allowed to publish. Further, it metastisized from it’s self-contained cesspools when they were closed.
It’s clear that either your experience on the site is narrow, while the site is extremely wide - or you’re retconning your prior experience based upon your current opinion.