I realize any sort of regulation whatsoever is anathema to a lot of people who own guns, but I really think we would cut down on gun deaths by a huge margin if you were required to take a gun safety class before you could buy a gun. I’m sure you could give a basic overview of gun safety with one short class and it would be enough to stop a great many accidental deaths.
I realize any sort of regulation whatsoever is anathema to a lot of people who own guns, but I really think we would cut down on gun deaths by a huge margin if you were required to take a gun safety class before you could buy a gun. I’m sure you could give a basic overview of gun safety with one short class and it would be enough to stop a great many accidental deaths.
At least in my state this IS required, people just ignore all of it the second they walk out of the store with their license
Something like 50 to 60 percent of gun deaths are self deletions. I’m not sure how many of those are suicide vs negligent discharge though.
it’s hard to know, because any of the NDs could be misreported suicides