• 2ugly2live@lemmy.world
    10 days ago

    Tame stuff.

    When I was in college was was sending cat pictures to some random person. They only replied when I asked something specific (“When are we meeting,” or something like that). They replied with “Hey, I’ve been meaning to tell you, this is the wrong number. Love the cats though.” The messages had been meant for my grandma.

    Second time, in high school, I got a new phone and was texting my whole two friends so they would have my number. I got a reply back that I wasn’t “2ugly2live.” apparently, the girl I texted also had a friend with the same name and thought I was trying to impersonate her. And I thought her friend was trying to trick my friend. The other “2ugly2live” texted me and she used a lot of l33t speak, so I shot back to who I thought was my friend that it couldn’t be me, “she can’t even spell!” Sent my friend a message on aim and she was like, “???”

    I apologized to both randos and we got a chuckle out of it.