We moved in to our house a couple years ago and were not told too much about a pipe that sticks out of our backyard.

We are on a septic system and this pipe is sticking out from our leech field. The other houses on our block all have similar setups yet none (that I know) have a pipe coming up like ours.

It was suggested to me that this may be safe to remove, or at least remove, cover the whole for a few weeks, and as long as there’s no issues, then remove.

It’s not attached to anything and I can pretty easily pull it out and put it back in, although I’ve tended not to touch it much.

Pipe: https://imgur.com/a/yrd6pYN Hole in the ground: https://imgur.com/a/NMXurUH

Can anyone provide any insight here please?

  • limelight79@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I had a blade on my riding mower snap one time, apparently it was damaged from hitting something solid at some point. The racket from that was impressive. It sounded like the mower was completely coming apart, so I was actually relieved when I saw the broken blade. Of course, then I couldn’t finish mowing, because I had to wait to get new blades.