• AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Rome always falls in the end.

    Entropy always wins sooner or later.

    The Roman Empire fell to corruption and decadence, and telling various groups whatever pretty lies they want to hear, rather than uncomfortable but necessary truths of our terminal capitalism driven social, economic, and environmental collapse falls firmly under that umbrella.

    The first step to staving off such a collapse would be mass recognition of the problem, and since no one with power and few without are even willing to entertain that reality, collapse it is.

    The quest for RECKLESS growth/metastasis is quite literally ushering in a new dark age of glorified ignorance.

    This is just capitalism. NBC wants to give the ignorant right what they want to hear to grow their profits for their private shareholders. Nothing wrong with indulging the profit motive, amirite? /s

    This isn’t being done because of the fires of fascist hatred, though it will assist the fascists. No, this is collapse by the detached, sociopathic ice of unapologetic, insatiable greed, our society’s absolute core value which is every bit as destructive as hate, and historically far more effective at accomplishing and maintaining that destruction generationally. A fascist will murder you, but a capitalist will keep you, your children, and your children’s children in subservient subsistence, and they don’t even care to know the demographics of their victims.