Why do you use one over the other? Also, what’s the deal with Calckey?

  • FIST_FILLET@kbin.social
    1 年前

    i made a lemmy account before i found out about kbin, and i’m so glad i found kbin. lemmy worked alright, but it seemed like a very unfinished product. the UI gave me the same feeling that the “new” reddit design does (overly mobile-oriented), which is why i’m so so so happy that kbin’s UI seems to be overly desktop-focused.

    bonus points for kbin (and i don’t know if these are intentional or just coincidences that i’m overthinking):

    • comment scores are subtly pushed to the right of the box, which seems like a great anti-bandwagoning design choice. this way, the immediate focus is on the content of the comment instead of an arbitrary score based on what everyone else thinks of it. less voting prejudice!
    • you gotta scroll all the way to the bottom (i think? or maybe i just don’t know how to use the site) to get to the “add comment” input field. maybe this will make people read more of the ongoing talk before contributing with their own points

    anyway, happy to be here! let’s make it an amazing place

    • aha20395@kbin.social
      1 年前

      I’m only using this on mobile but yeah same thoughts, only things I want to change that I like about reddit are unlimited scrolling, search by magazine, post or user and collapsing comment tress but this is all in time, also I want to hide user avatars.

      There’s other quality of life improvements such as speed, how media is handled but mainly these will change with time and money, I donated $5 and will donate more as I see progression but I think @ernest is really on to something here, much better than lemmy and if the population can grow we can get some nice communities on here and be something similar to but better than reddit.

      • sab@kbin.social
        1 年前

        Infinite scrolling can be enabled in the settings! On mobile:

        1. Press the kbin logo with the burger meny symbol to the top left
        2. Click on the cog symbol on the right hand side
        3. Under general, enable infinite scroll
        4. Profit? I don’t know, I prefer the internet slow and old school, so I haven’t actually tested it myself :)
    • davorb@kbin.social
      1 年前

      I disagree with what he’s saying. Basically he’s complaining that they don’t ban people who say they like Stalin.

      • Nadya@kbin.social
        1 年前

        Please educate yourself on Tankies. They’re a bunch of fascist genocide apologists that are quite literally as bad as Nazis. Similar hateful ideology, just as fascist, same tactics of mass genocide, and they believe they are morally correct in anything they do because they’re anti-Capitalism and anti-Western nations.

        It’s a little more than “liking Stalin”. Genocide is merely a means to an end in an effort to establish a Socialist nation and as long as it is helping progress towards a Socialist state then it is morally correct to do so in their world view.




        Tiananmen Square massacre? Never happened - that’s Western propaganda.

        The Uyghur genocide? Not a genocide - the Uyghur are religious extremists and deserve to be imprisoned. Please stop listening to Western propaganda.

        Holodomor? More Western propaganda that never happened.

        Hong Kong? They need to stop being children and accept that Hong Kong is part of China. The protests are anti-China propaganda being paid for by the US and Britain to make China look bad.

        Russia is defending itself from Ukraine aggression and like always - Western nations are quick to interfere and turn it into anti-Russia propaganda.

      • DoomFluffy@mastodon.social
        1 年前

        @davorb @juneten @QuestioningEspecialy

        If we take as a given that the original Lemmy developers are bad people, then even if the infrastructure they created is apolitical, using and popularizing it gives them soft power and visibility. And even if there are other instances run by good people, the original developers run the instance that most curious new people would start by looking at. That gives them the power to direct attention and traffic towards places that they or their friends control

  • Other_Goblin@kbin.social
    1 年前

    The UI on kbin is awful I can’t even tell what I’m doing on the mobile site. The desktop site infinitely loops the cloudflare thing lol. Never even seen it.

  • Deliverator@kbin.social
    1 年前

    I have an account on both but if I had my preference I’d say kbin is the winner. I’ve been on reddit since 2011 and this reminds me of how it felt to join reddit back then

  • aroom@kbin.social
    1 年前

    Calckey is a great microblogging app from the fediverse. It’s compatible with activity pub, you can even import your mastodon account.