How reliable is AI lke ChatGPT in giving you code that you request?

    1 year ago

    I’ve used ChatGPT to answer questions relating to Python. Notably, I asked it how to use QtNetwork to send and receive requests with authentication, as the application I was using did not use any non-standard modules I was more accustomed to like requests but did have PyQt. Not only did it gave me working code snippets but explained it in a way that I was able to understand. No, it’s not perfect. But man it’s better than hunting Google for that one StackOverflow post.

    I have heard it trips up on certain less-used programming languages like Swift though, so depending on your use case YMMV. I’ve also not used Codex but a friend of mine has. Apparently it really liked to mention this one specific GitHub profile.

    For shits and giggles I asked ChatGPT a while back to represent a Pokemon with a Python class, and it gave me working code. Google Bard would trip up and not use the class when I told it to.