A solar city in the Saudi Arabian desert is powered by the world's biggest battery👇👇 The Electric Viking store/merchandise 👇👇https://shop.theelectricviki...
Now this statement is just idiotic. Saudi Arabia is not representative of all Arabs. From your post history, you are pushing clearly pushing a bullshit nationalistic agenda here. You hide behind the generic of statements of “toxicity” and don’t understand that the Saudi government is quite controversial.
The world is not all sunshine and rainbows and I am able acknowledge that. I am unsure if you are able to see that. So, please, get off your high horse and gain some critical thinking.
Now this statement is just idiotic. Saudi Arabia is not representative of all Arabs. From your post history, you are pushing clearly pushing a bullshit nationalistic agenda here. You hide behind the generic of statements of “toxicity” and don’t understand that the Saudi government is quite controversial.
The world is not all sunshine and rainbows and I am able acknowledge that. I am unsure if you are able to see that. So, please, get off your high horse and gain some critical thinking.
As someone sympathetic to Ansar Allah, Hamas and Hezbollah, I know this very well
How so? If this was about Canada or Australia, no one would find it controversial.
This isn’t the place to discuss your grievances.
Cool. This isn’t a place for you to push your nationalistic bullshit either.
Do you think I’m the blonde guy in the video? Do you think he is Saudi?
This is so weird.