• 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Me and this dame have a date with destiny.

    She walked into my place, all long legs and short temper. She asked if I wanted to go and shoot something.

    Of course I did. But first, we needed to solve a mystery, the mystery of the French Hen. Why is she sassy? Why is she the boss? Why is she capable of melting hearts with a single bawk? A true femme fatale, dressed in black and wearing a raspberry beret; the kind you find on a pretty chick-en.

    Yes, until we could discover what had this hen in such a mood, there would be no shooting, no fighting, no fun.

    I suspect the answer lies in biscuits, but dare we risk our fingers to find out?

  • I mean, if you want pizza that’s even shittier than chain deliveries, sure, you can do that.

    Let’s be real. A home oven and premade dough might be cheaper, but it ain’t good pizza.

    You can get a pizza stone (or steel), or do a cast iron pizza and end up fine, that’s for sure. But if you’re using that premade dough, even Caesar’s is going to be as good. That’s not mentioning that the sauces available in jars aren’t all created equal at all, or that it’s a dice roll if the cheese is okay or not.

    Even dominos and pizza hut are better than a cheap home made pie. You want a good home made pizza, you’re spending roughly the same, but now you have to learn how to hey it right. The learning curve isn’t horrible or anything, but it’s there.

    Most people that want a pizza want something decent, or they’d just throw in a digiorno’s or whatever. Mind you, calling most chain pizza decent is a stretch of the term, but that’s another issue entirely since a solid pizzeria isn’t exactly a guarantee outside of cities

  • The problem with that is the author’s unawareness of risk aware kink.

    If someone is doing breath play, or applying blood restriction during their play, they know damn good and well it’s never fully safe.

    The problem comes in with noobs and idiots thinking that you can bypass serious effort at learning how to minimize risk with reading some random internet article on a bot written blog.

    There are absolutely ways to make the risk so minimum that it has to be some kind of unknown factor driving the risk upwards and not being accounted for to cause injury or death. But those things do happen. It’s a real and unavoidable possibility.

    There’s also difference between strangulation and proper breath play, but that’s another example of a writer not doing due diligence in terminology

  • Depends.

    If the goal is to just play a game with a clear winner and loser, there’s no benefit at all.

    But that isn’t what chess is. It’s more like a strategy game where there are multiple outcomes that would reflect degrees of skill and thinking.

    If you’re already behind, but you can pull off a stalemate, that’s hard. In some ways, it’s harder than winning in the first place. It means that you and the other player are well matched. I’ve heard serious players rattle on about difficult draws the way football (both types) fans will talk about decisive victories of their favorite team. They’ll pick the moves apart and use those moves and tactics in their own games.

    I was never a serious chess player at all. I simply don’t have the willingness to study it the way you have to to be really good at it. It felt too derivative for my preferences. But I can still remember more of my close games and draws than I can my wins because it took more of the kind of gameplay I enjoy, where you’re kinda winging it and calculating based on your own way of thinking instead of relying on a body of research and theory.

    Mind you, there’s nothing wrong with that at all. The folks that play high level chess are amazing, and I fully respect the work they put into grokking chess at that level. I’m just saying that isn’t fun for me, and I play board games of any type for fun and companionship, not personal improvement or a sense of competitiveness.

    Which, going back, is why I can recall my draws better than my wins or losses. They were me having fun and managing to hang with smarter, better players by dint of sinking into the play of it.

    But when one of those players pulls off a draw from disadvantage? That’s fucking art, it’s mastery of a complicated but finite set of possibilities.

  • Nah, it was mostly rote. But, I was reading pretty early, and my family did use a looser form of phonics with all of us. When it was a read-along, they’d point out words that didn’t fit normal phonic rules, and explain a little. Read-alongs were super frequent for us. Daily, for most of my childhood, though I kinda “graduated” into doing the reading somewhere around 3rd grade for the second wave of cousins on one side of the family.

    My mom’s family runs high to dedicated readers, so it was always a thing where someone was reading something out loud to share a passage or whatever, even when it wasn’t one of the adults reading to the kids as a group. And all our parents were super into reading to us individually too.

    In kindergarten, it was straight into it, no phonics involved at all. But it was still mostly group based reading. First grade, it was individual work, with vocabulary, reading, and writing as parts of the language arts section of class. No phonics, and really no sounding things out at all. My first grade teacher was sweet as all get out, but did not play around with lessons.

  • Nah, it’s one of those things where I know everyone has their own way of managing relationship decisions.

    It isn’t abusive, it isn’t an out of line way of responding, and it’s a reasonable boundary for a monogamous marriage. It may or may not be a boundary that everyone has, but it isn’t unreasonable.

    Now, me? I’m fine with the concept. Me and my wife sometimes travel without each other, and with friends of the “opposite” sex. To us it wouldn’t be an issue. If we didn’t trust each other, we wouldn’t be married.

    I might or might not be comfortable with where the resort is though. Some places just aren’t reliably safe for any tourist, much less a naked female tourist, though I doubt a reputable resort is going to be any more unsafe than any hotel in that regard. Those places tend to have decent security.

    But, nah, no red flags here. Just a married couple making a decision together.

  • Ehhh, that’s an easy thought.

    But what about when your memes point to you being in a group that is now illegal, or oppressed? What if something you said a year ago is now being looked for as a sign of possible opposition?

    It’s nice to think “I have nothing to hide”, and for the most part, most people don’t.

    But that conversation about who’s picking the kids up from school is enough to help pin down where you’ll be at a given time, when you’ll be apart from your family, it gives an insight into family dynamics, it gives hints as to your personality, and your partner’s.

    You stack that with exchanges about groceries, errands, etc, and now anyone who can get access to your measures messages can predict a lot more about you

    Since fascism in particular is coming back with a vengeance, your can’t even predict what you’ll be targeted for.

    Now, take all of that info, combine it with location data that’s even easier for a government to get, and you’re fucked.

    Don’t forget that a woman was arrested because she helped her daughter obtain abortion pills. They got the info via Facebook, but with the messages being gone would have prevented that, or made it much harder.

    This is the world we live in now. None of us are safe, none of us can rely on the rule of law. It’s rolling the dice as to what can be used against you.