Look at the back of her hand, and the first two bottles, the light source is definitely up above. But look at the bottom of the bottle, the light source is from the reader’s point of view.
Look at the back of her hand, and the first two bottles, the light source is definitely up above. But look at the bottom of the bottle, the light source is from the reader’s point of view.
The first panel indicates that the light rays are some converging lines toward the shelf, probably from five further and further apart LEDs.
“How else am I supposed to shoot my
webbingwhite, sticky fluid??”
If you mean front end developers, then yes, that’s me.
First, it’s not front end’s responsibility to sanitise the input before executing the query because it’s not the front end code which operates on the database. What if we have ten front ends? Implement it ten times?
Second, it’s the back end who’s executing the query so they are doing it anyway. Doing it in the front end code is a waste of time and electricity.
It’s not a war zone outpost. There is no such thing as multiple layers of security. It’s absurd to think that a piece of malicious data “beat up” the security code at the first spot, just to be knocked out by the same security code further down the road. If a piece is code is effectively sanitising the input then the best place to put it is where it’s closest to the database, and it only needs to happen once.
I wish I were. NPC runs along with the script. I may advance the plot but that’s only because the plot tells me to. I don’t have to think. I got told what to do all the time. And I would be left alone totally occasionally. It would be a great life.
I downvoted OP as if this is StackOverflow.
What is the use case for OP for using AI?
What does OP not like about the current setup?
What goal is OP trying to achieve?
What drawback and extra cost is OP willing to take?
Without providing any of the information, asking such a question, slabbing buzz words like “federated” to the title is just wasting everyone’s time. A few days ago there was even a question asking for a “federated browser”. (¯―¯٥)
Despite all these some pals still provided insightful answers. You guys are amazing.
GTK+4 was released? When??
I’ve been compiling GTK+3 3.2x, the latest stable version about ten years ago and always wonder will they ever advance the major version. Years of installing XFCE4 and stuff and I always saw them pulling GTK+3 as a dependency. Never seen GTK+ marked 4 though.
To be fair I haven’t visited their official website for a while though.
Then it’s dildo mass production.
“Last”. Yes. In practice, I found eggs in a fridge age by weeks. I would still call them “fresh” within a week. After that, they don’t taste as well. Another week after that, visual changes happen on the shell. I can see as if the fluid inside is “breaching” the membrane thus dark spots on the outside. This is the last stage I would still be willing to consume them. After that I would throw them away.
Half an hour later it stuck. Good riddance.
You certainly think highly about yourself, sir.
I would say intelligence is the ability to absorb the information that tomato is fruit.
I heard the same story, but for a Disneyland.
What do you suggest, huh? Letting his love sit on top of his crotch when he’s on a bus?
Break into his home or office the night you submit the assignment and steal all the folders. Steal all from the print shop too. Demand them back the next day or $5 a piece.
This is a loud wake-up call that the internet is not reality.
I think the problem is that some Starbucks fans are pretentious. There are better and cheaper coffee everywhere but some of them will just choose the more expensive one and flash their premium membership card to you.
In Chinese variant of chess, the king (general) can be forced to step into check thus resulting in losing the game. But most games just stop there when the king has no “legal move” and yield.