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Cake day: November 13th, 2023


  • How? Asynchronous communication is better for a lot of people. And now that we have really good choices for that, it’s hard to ignore.

    A phone call demands that you drop everything in that moment and pay close attention to the person on the other end. If they ramble, deviate, breathe heavily, have a lot of background noise, etc, you’re stuck with that experience for the duration. Also, recording without consent is illegal in a lot of places, so you have to be able to write things down in order to refer back to the conversation if it contains any important information.

    In contrast, everything else is self-documenting, can be read through multiple times, and can be handled when there is time to focus on that task. As a bonus: most people can read and understand text faster than they can listen. So it’s just more efficient.

  • As someone who just picked through the Zig docs (take this with a mountain of salt), Zig has a few things going for it:

    • spec is simple and closer to C in scope
    • modern language design, toolchain, and overall ergonomics
    • Go-like struct & interface system
    • 1st-class C interoperability

    Go foists co-routines on you and the runtime, and Rust has the borrow checker. Both of these things deeply impact language design, standard libraries, and the overall developer experience. So Zig might actually be a “more modern C” in many ways which makes it a contender. That said, it’s not a 1:1 comparsion since it lacks everything else that C++ does: you’d have to re-envision your software designs as something other than OOP if that’s what you’re used to.

  • I still don’t get how they can live with such a retarded measurement system.

    We can’t.

    Scientists do everything in metric, but that’s where it stops.

    Food industry tries to label everything both ways, so we all get some minimal exposure; but this is like expecting to learn French in Canada just by hanging around. Machinists cope by using thousandths (of an inch), but still have to translate to work with standard screw dimensions. Bakers do everything at multiples of cups or pounds, so fractions don’t really come up. Housing framers use, maybe, down to the half or quarter inch and have easier to read tape measures for this; story-boards and tick-sticks are used to avoid measuring entirely.

    If it wasn’t for raw materials (across the board) being sold in nominal empirical sizes, I would sooner just use the metric system.

    Meanwhile, the home kitchen is at war. Recipe books have everyone else dicking around with all the crazy fractional volume and weight measures. Either you’re a virtuoso with these, or you’re terrible at it and burn every meal - there is no middle ground. This might explain our relationship with restaurant food.

  • As a cis male, I’ve found the opposite to be true. I do go to the Dr. for all kinds of stuff. I also tend to tell it like it is when in a consult/visit. That’s where I noticed that things are backwards for me. I’m taken too seriously, as though I’m under-playing my symptoms. Like I’m a guy who decided to actually come in to the doctor’s office, so it must be really bad. It’s actually led to a few cases of being over-prescribed on things.

  • Trump might as well sign an executive order that declares himself Emperor of the Moon and Supreme Chancellor of Outer Space, it’ll have about the same amount of impact as this first round of executive orders will.

    Look, not to call you out or anything, but the impact of these edicts (however nonsensical) is radically different now that he’s in office.

    The problem isn’t the legitimacy or legality of any such order, it’s the veracity and scope to which they are carried out regardless of those facts. He just pardoned the Jan 6th insurrectionists. Now, people that are handed off-the-wall, yet much more clear, orders from the White House can now go on thinking that illegal activity pursued in the name of said order will be washed away. So, stuff like this will cause damage to be done well before any courts can intervene, constitutionality be damned.

    As a bonus, this adds culpability to the actions of his subordinates. Step in line or lose your job. Fail me after committing a crime and you go straight to prison. This is an organized crime tactic to keep shady people in line.