Planting is easier to automate than harvesting. Pretty sure everything has been using seed drills for a while now. Harvesting and meat packing are going to get hosed though.
Planting is easier to automate than harvesting. Pretty sure everything has been using seed drills for a while now. Harvesting and meat packing are going to get hosed though.
Get with the times. We got bird flu now
Well if its in $PATH he just ran it
Ghidra was about hiring and cost savings. Its easier to hire when people already know your tools. Also people are more willing to use your tools rather than expensive ones if they can still use them when they leave (go into contracting). Also interoperability with contractors may improve.
I heard it was rented. Not sure though
Open up the “Firefox View” tab and it crashes reliably
No idea. I just use the yubikey ones. I have an old usb-a oneb and a newer small usbc one
Are your USB ports broken? I’ve never had issues other than physical port problems
They support USB hardware tokens… but only for the website. Everything else is SMS which kinda defeats the point.
Annoyingly, other than Vanguard, they are the only financial institution to support USB FIDO tokens
No he’s thrown 2000% tariffs around at least once in the last few months. Fortunately for all involved he seems to have stopped doing that and switched to something a tiny bit less stupid.
Tucker Carlson demands the return of the throbbing dick vein to the demasculated Mars bar.
I personally enjoy watching the tourists freeze in t-shirts and shorts in SF in the summer. Granted inland Northern California is way too hot.
Oh God this is the first time they’ve had to deal with wet weather isn’t it? Hopefully the brakes work.
In fairness hibernation files need to be massive because they need to be able to store the full running state of RAM which on a reasonable computer comes out to 10s of gigs. If you want to hibernate Linux the swap partition will look similar.
Also no idea why virtual memory is counted there that’s just a memory addressing method.
And you can’t tell when something is active/focused or not because every goddamn app and web site wants to use its own “design language”.
The FireTV os is worse. The active focus indicator is different between pages of the OS ignoring apps. Oh and it changes constantly.
He’ll just leave the country
That’s Kentucky not Kenya
Or you can be the etherium guy: get pissy about in game horse armor and make a vehicle for even worse scams.
You don’t leak a passwords database publicly on the Internet in good faith.
I’d bet good money he’s never done his own taxes in his life