He didn’t make shit.
A computer made it. He provided some guidance.
He didn’t make shit.
A computer made it. He provided some guidance.
So we’ve been down that road. There are company computers available for that purpose, and training has been provided. It’s a joke we tell each other around here that the only training we get is on the app.
For the handful of folks who are legally prohibited from having a smart phone, the state has requirements in place that they be notified of any schedule changes in advance, they’re often the first to know.
The CEO frequently holds little meetings and fields questions, that’s the next route.
I don’t know what they were sold or why they’re so insistent that we download the app, but their feverish insistence that we download it sure makes me suspicious.
Almost certainly. If the guy who was making yandere simulator was tasked with a sprinkler app, it wouldn’t be much worse than it currently is.
I don’t know shit about fuck when it comes to programming, but I know bad programming when I see it.
I’m sure it can’t actually do any of those things, but it would be nice if it would stop suggesting that it could when I try to open up certain things
I did mention that when I connected to it via a VPN I could see my outgoing traffic spike suspiciously, that particular member of HR is no longer with the company and few of those remaining have the technical background to understand why I find that problematic.
Sadly around here, you’re either on board with the direction the ship is sailing, or you’re not on board. Those is us in bargained positions have been fine, and voice our frustrations freely. But management does not have the same freedom to do so.
I did mention at one of these meetings that we wouldn’t give them space on our personal devices for free, it did not change their tune. The union has been hammering them on it during negotiations but I doubt they’ll budge on that and we have bigger issues to deal with so they won’t let it be a sticking point.
If I could rip that thing off the wall and replace it with a spigot I would.
My wife wants it, and she cares more about the grass than I do.
I have never actually tried, it’s just suggesting it as an app that can do those things.
I work in a manufacturing environment. A few years ago they decided they needed a company social media app. They hired, or more likely were sold the idea by Salesforce and built this stupid ass website, then went on a fucking War campaign to get people to install the app on their phone.
They demanded. They begged. They removed functions of HR to the app exclusively. When we protested they simply said no, no room to negotiate, no give. You will use the app or you will not have access to certain information required to do your job. When they closed the plant one day and posted it on the app, they threatened to write up an entire shift that showed up to work anyway without knowing any better.
Because apparently, when you get up at 4 am the first thing you’re supposed to do every day is check an app on your phone to see if you have work that day.
They used to just push out a robo call.
When we have committee meetings with HR they go something like this.
HR: how can we get you guys on the app Committee: how can we retrieve these functions from the app HR: you can’t Committee: that’s your answer.
There have been at least 6 versions of this meeting that I have been a part of.
Most of my coworkers are older than me. Few of them have fancy phones, generally the most basic phone you can get. A number of my coworkers are on parole or work release and have limited access to smart phones for one reason or another and literally have no access to the app.
I was chatting with one of the IT gals recently and apparently resistance to the app is pretty widespread. When I said “venture capital IT firm” she gave me a high five.
They want everyone using this thing and maybe 15% of the company has it. Then they switched to Workday.
It hasn’t gone well.
I have an app for my sprinkler system and it’s a fucking nightmare. Not only is it basically just a web API, it’s so transparently just a glorified browser with access to exactly one site that frequently my phone thinks that app will work for whatever else I’m trying to open.
Document? Sprinkler app. Web Page? Sprinkler app. Installing from a source other than Google? Oh you better believe the sprinkler app can do that.
Doing anything takes longer to load than it would take me to walk from anywhere on my property to the fucking box and hit whatever button I need to hit.
It frequently forgets what I entered for preferences. I can tell it a week ahead what days I want it to skip but if I do that more than 24 hours on advance I might as well not have done it at all.
Oh you want to make a payment online? Let your sprinklers do that for you. YouTube video? Sprinkler app. YouTube video about fixing your fucking sprinkler system? Sprinkler app.
Apparently the one thing it can’t do is effectively manage my water usage. It’s ONE job
I’m just now noticing how sloppy his robot arm sleeve is.
Likely a production issue where the prosthetic just wouldn’t fit in the sleeve so they said fuck it and cut it, which is what civilians would do.
But that man is a citizen, and active duty. A) since so many of the military members are missing limbs it stands to reason there would be a standard protocol, even a special shirt issued for members who’s limbs no longer fit. And B, presumably, regardless of limb status, torn sleeves have got to be a few lashings.
No way man tell you what my brother skeet done seen that dang ol sasquatch when he went to to Calistoga to seent his two brothers Jim and Jed. See they was out huntin one day though I think Jed was out evadin the police on accounta he’s got warrants and unpaid could support, an he an Jim are wanted by the bondsman see, so they was out huntin deep in them woods up there up by the squirtin hole and them old rock woods you know? Anyway they was out there and they seent him. Big ole samskatch. Tain’t no yeti in no bear suit man maybe a Stanley though it were pretty big
Communism is when the government
George Washington did lead troops one time as president, with the secretary of the Treasury at his side.
There was a little revolt over taxes on whiskey and when he showed up they surrendered.
100 year old president: Jimmy Carter
There I fixed it, exact same news, no fuck yous.
They knew they were fucking with us with that title and they did it anyway
Yes you fucking do.
You cannot be arrested without charge and detained indefinitely. Generally it’s between 24 and 72 hours before they’re required to charge you or release you.
Eyyyyyyyyy fuck you I’m not your buddy guy
It’s called SudoGetLinux’s law
The pencil does not make the art.
There’s a fundamental difference between AI image generation and an artist creating something that is both inherent and obvious.
If you can’t see that then I’m not sure there’s much help for you.
More than that, art being created by an artist has a style and a feeling behind it. There’s a nostalgia present in every painting. An artist saw something, and recreated it in a way that spoke to them.
An algorithm can recreate images that look similar but with no understanding. It’s just an image and lacks all the things that makes art what it is. By removing humanity from art you literally remove the reason for it to exist.
Flatly, it isn’t art. It’s slightly better than random. But as it happens, humans are better at that too.