Just do like that guy in Police Academy
Just do like that guy in Police Academy
Secession will never happen for anyone anywhere. It’d be bad for business. And both parties serve business primarily and maybe exclusively. Used to be able to say two sides of the same coin, but now they’re more like eyes on a flounder.
Reminds me of THIS cute Seattle couple
I take two personal pizzas and cook them normally. I generally use the frozen ones from Costco and use one cheese and one pepperoni. I also have frozen hamburger patties from Kroger but they’re the thin ones. I’m trying to lose weight, after all, so there’s got to be sacrifices made. OK now I have those frozen rectangular hash browns like McDonald’s sells, but mine are from Kroger again. I can generally cook all four items at once in my air fryer which is more of a convection toaster oven kind of deal. Anyway before I ramble on too long, I assemble a “hamburger” using the pizzas as buns and the rest is obvious. Apply mayo and/or American cheese or whatever like that Korean paste they use. Yum. I like to cut mine in half.
Those thin patties are great! This all started because I was tucking a folded one inside a Hot Pocket. You just split open one side and it becomes a literal hot pocket. Do not stick your … oh never mind
I’m not so optimistic… Car prices nearly doubled in a handful of years. More than, if you factor in “market price adjustments.” Wages stagnated. Cars still flying off lots faster than they can be built. That’s just one example among many.
Left definitely got them highbeams on
Looks exactly like dog food to me
Use Lynx browser, if that’s even still a thing?
EDIT: It is!
Depends… Is the disability something that could be inflicted on an otherwise unaffected individual?
They gotta make room for Mangione
Wow I really butchered that one! Thanks for the correction.
Modern retelling of that Lloyd Bridges Twilight Zone episode. “Time Enough,” I think it was? Simpsons did it too!
I believe he will aggravate people enough to riot, declare martial law, stay in power indefinitely a la some of these other clowns running some of these other countries into the ground.
Evil microbes with little goatees…
I’d say absolutely buy it if you measure by the metric of how many hours you are likely to get out of your investment. It has improved immensely since launch. Many of the current complaints are valid, but none of them substantially diminished my own enjoyment of the game.
Ahh I do love that classic Harley sound…
I saw a documentary on that called, “Born In East L.A.”
Exactly… Especially since one branch decided one of the other branches doesn’t have to follow the law.
Holodomor 2: Orange Crush