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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2024


  • I see a lot of doom and gloom in the comments here. Correct me if I’m wrong, but is not the main concern being that sea levels will rise and flood costal cities? Plus some parts of the world will be too hot to comfortably live? Human beings are remarkably creative when they need to be. Right now most are overweight watching TV and worried about stupid unimportant things. But if the need arose to build new towns/cities in higher and cooler locations, we have the man power. Literally BILLIONS of humans, some smart ones to plan it all, and the rest to build it. I don’t see an “end of humanity” or “don’t have kids” as being reasonable. Humanity will adapt. Please correct me if I’m missing something here.

  • Wow thank you for sharing your personal experience and thoughts. I think you hit the nail on the head. To add to that, I have noticed with a family member of mine (who has been trying to loose weight for 20 years, unsuccessfully) that mental wellbeing = willpower. If something get you down, the weight usually goes up. It’s hugely complected of course. My heart goes out to all.

  • Yes if you say that you are a Christian it’s actually going to put them into a threat mode. Because you are not in their religion, you are in a “false religion” and you may “trick” them away from their religion. So they will talk at you, and if you reason back then will give up. JWs only talk to people who they believe that they have a good chance of converting. If you start we win a conversation with a JW he/she will just give up and spend their efforts elsewhere. It is extremely annoying, especially if it’s your JW family members that you are trying to reason with. It’s amazing the power of daily brainwashing…

  • Well my experience is with Jehovah’s witnesses. In that religion some of the top reasons for being officially shunned (forever loosing your family and friends) are: *Reaching adulthood and deciding to leave the religion. *Premarital sex, including making out, even mild things that many would not include in sex. Even if you then get married. *Smoking cigarettes. *Being Gay. *Openly disagreeing with a doctrine. (To name a few) So there are many JW parents who cut off and do not talk to their children, because reaching the age of 16-18 the children get a girl/boyfriend and leave. The parents are forbidden to talk to their own children. (Don’t be quick to judge the parents, they are victims also here) Then there are the ones that upon reaching the age of 25-30 they genuinely realize that the religion is man-made and not for them, so they leave. They loose there parents and friends. Then for the poor souls that work it out when they are in their 50s+ they loose their children as the religion tells the children that God wants them to shun their parents for leaving. The family members do not want to shun each other, but they do, because it is brainwashed into them. Many commit suicide. All of this just mentioned has nothing to do with biblical sin. I believe that the law should not allow a religion to tell family members to shun each other (in the name of God) when a family member leaves the religion. It should be the personal decision of the family members. This is a MAJOR problem in the JW religion. The reason it continues is because it is all hidden from the media and public. JW is a very secretive religion.

  • Religious shunning / disfellowshipping is immoral and should be banned by law. It’s disgusting. I don’t understand how it still is such a big issue. Jehovah’s Witnesses for example are breaking up families daily. It causes much suicide unfortunately. Evil practice. Done in “the name of god” - I should point out that it is unscriptural, so not actually a biblical teaching. Just a good way to control the flock…

  • Wow you use a lot of tech! Good share, thanks. I’m with you with Google maps, however check out “Organic Maps” I was very impressed with it (here in the UK) it finds shops and businesses, but no reviews obviously. I still use Google maps most of the time (on a separate phone that lives in the car), but Organic is really impressive, way ahead of the other map apps, definitely one to watch. Paying for YouTube is a great idea. I may do that also actually. I run a server with Mail-in-a-box for email. Yes it is just email basically, but I personally do not need or use more than that. And I love having unlimited aliases that all point to my main email. Also NextCloud is amazing yes. I love NextCloud. The other services you use I just don’t have a need for. But yes google = convenience. I bet there are good alternatives to document sharing. And I use Hover.com for domains.

  • I am one that switched. I have Linux Mint which I use 99.9% of the time, and a windows 10 laptop that I use 0.1% for that one windows program.

    I think more people are wanting to get out of the grip that google, apple, and Microsoft have over them. Many are overwhelmed because they are in so deep. It took me months to get out, which I did about 6 years ago. I never looked back though. I know people that want out, but are not strong enough to commit to switching all their services and apps.