She should be proud of me! Love you Granny and Nanny! RIP 💜
Any pronouns. 33.
Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.
I’m using a new phone keyboard, please forgive typos.
She should be proud of me! Love you Granny and Nanny! RIP 💜
Same! I thought I wouldn’t be able to play any competitive PVP games!
I just hate two column paginated lay outs. Give me pageless single column text.
You should tailor your resume to every job you apply for, but not every job requires a different resume. If you’re applying to a bunch of the same positions then you don’t need to change anything.
I’m still mad there’s no straightforward way to convert a PDF into semantic HTML. There’s plenty of tools to convert it into HTML that looks the same with pages and such, but I just want the content.
Y’all, for real, I was on Windows for gaming. Gaming on Linux really does seem to “just work” now. I’m using CachyOS. It just works. The only tweak I had to do was to tell Helldivers 2 to use the vanilla version of Proton instead of Cachy’s version. So literally if I was on a more traditional distribution I’d have to do less.
You’re joking, surely. While the analog stick drift is a huge problem in terms of quality, the motion controls are objectively better. Go play Mario Galaxy on the Wii and play it in 3d All Stars on Switch and tell me the Switch version isn’t better. The fact that you aren’t bound to pointing directly at the screen due to the motion bar thingy is huge. The sort of tilt assist aiming in games like BotW and TotK are worlds better than any point aiming mechanics from the Wii.
Nothing I’ve said before is about the life span of the parts. The analog sticks breaking on Joycons sucks and is awful, but don’t sit here and act like that makes the Wiimote better. Motion controls on Switch are so much better than Wii.
I’m wondering if a lot used it in minor ways so you forget easily. I remember Brawl would use it when you selected a character, but I may only be remembering because it was a meme on TikTok for a bit. I remember one microgame in Warioware using it when you answered a phone which was funny.
Here’s my thing, so many Wii games that leaned too heavily into the Wiimote were annoying. I don’t necessarily believe games leaning more into the game pad would’ve made them enjoyable experiences. I think it’s just nostalgia. We remember things like Wii sports because it was fun and everyone had it, not because it used the Wiimotes.
Literally just set up a high yield savings account and autopay that money there every paycheck. Check the account once a year. Same thing but you’ll get more back due to interest.
Genuinely can’t cintotk yourself? Consider bonds (or CDs if you really distrust the government). they got the URL wrong. and are federated so you don’t need to make a different account there. But if you want a “porn alt” that would be the place to do it.
I just got the joke.
The technician test is pretty easy if you remember some stuff from physics and you study. (you don’t need to make an account here to practice).
But yeah, jump on the neck beard bandwagon
Presumption of innocence as a concept goes back to at least the 6th century and is part of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Article 11
- Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
I’m reading this as “I agree to quit if you pay me my paycheck for 10 weeks” but they stop paying 2 weeks in.
By assuming he is guilty you are robbing him of his right to presumption of innocence.
I feel line this would be funnier as “code updated to do 999 things”
Just keep one dollar bills and remove everything but quarters instead. So much easier.