Literally flushing money down the drain to feed ego. It’s honestly pathetic and disgusting.
Literally flushing money down the drain to feed ego. It’s honestly pathetic and disgusting.
This is literally what I’ve been doing, but there are people that are just overwriting shit.
Wow. Just roll over. Is there any part of our gov that actually functions at this point???
Because our government is filled with a bunch of geriatric FUCKS who don’t give a shit and whose whole personality is ‘fuck you I got mine’. There are checks and balances and this could be stopped if anyone was fucking useful to any capacity. We shouldn’t have to rise up in the streets or deal with this as that’s the whole god damn point of the gov. But because we allowed corporate interests to infiltrate and line the pockets of these assholes, along with there being no term limits, this is what we get.
If you don’t mind sharing, how difficult was/is the immigration process? Are there stipulations and things you have to pass?
Yes, competition is good, but these ball garglers only want to make competition illegal so they can capitalize on monopoly.
I cannot believe they bent on this at all. This isn’t the will of the people or a problem we asked to solve it is the asinine rantings of a fucking baby. Why the fuck am I stuck in this timeline holy shit.
Not sure how old you are, but if you’re an adult I’d definitely cut them out. If you’re a kid I’m sorry you have to deal with it. Just know it will get better. My dad was like this ver-batim, and while it sucks not having a support system when you’re a young adult, it’s better than dealing with the toxicity
Same. Come has changed their recipe so much over the year it just tastes like weird chemical carbonation to me. Used to love OG vanilla coke. Now I’m a Pepsi guy. Especially fountain. So refreshing. Barqs still wins best on fountain tho.
That’s fucking hilarious
What a fucking idiot holy shit.
People bitch about the existence of Project Managers (I have myself) but then you see shit like this. Breaks in communication and one side needing the ability to express to the other. Some devs can bridge it, some can’t.
Easy: he’s made of shitty photoshop
Foldable phone screens have been around for 5 years, flexible screens longer than that. The tech has been around and ready there’s just not heavy adoption yet.
I wonder if it’s like croissant jerky…sounds awesome tbh
Nothing. Is. Sacred. If we had any form of functional government they wouldn’t be stuck 75 years behind on progress and dumb issues like this could be taken care of. The only chance of this happening now is some random gov official doing it as a PR stunt.
‘Fuck veterans’ is a little harsh. Some enlist because they have no other prospects or can’t afford better education to land a job. Or they’ve been indoctrinated to think it’s ‘a mans duty to their country’. I’ve known plenty of veterans that despise the military afterward, despise current gov, and despise Trump.
Gas cannisters, camp fuel, and fire works. Look of all the random shit that could be considered terrorist related, that just sounds like a redneck prepping to drive out into the Vegas mountains and have a good time.
Call me a pessimist, call me a realist, idgaf. There’s no way they aren’t playing. Even though they all make more money than we would ever need in our lives in one year, they’ll still bend the knee and lick boots for one more million.