I’ve been using Linux Mint since forever. I’ve never felt a reason to change. But I’m interested in what persuaded others to move.

  • I hopped to many distros and found Ubuntu to be my home.

    1. Mint => Desktop looks dated and ugly
    2. POP! OS => Unstable for Ubuntu distro
    3. Rest of Ubuntu forks => nothing special about them
    4. Arch Linux => Too bleedy edge
    5. Debian => stale packages (Really solid distro though but dated version of Gnome)
    6. Ubuntu => Really solid distro (It is a great balance between stability and bleeding edge)
    • @danA
      6 months ago

      Debian => stale packages (Really solid distro though but dated version of Gnome)

      Did you try using the testing or unstable versions of Debian? Testing is still more stable than some other distros. Packages need to be in unstable with no major bug reports for 10 days before they migrate to testing.

      • I forgot to mention that I did try Debian testing. I did like it came with a recent version of Gnome. However, I did had a few problems with it:

        1. I personally found it updates more frequently then I like it. I found that the user interface for Gnome changes often.
        2. If I want to install MySQL workbench, it does not have a download link for Debian at all.
        3. I did got a weird crash bug with Krita on Debian testing. I am not sure if it was Debian’s or Krita’s fault.

        I did found Debian testing to be slightly unstable. I decided, I will give Ubuntu a shot again and was happy with that decision.

        • @neonred@lemmy.world
          16 months ago

          Try Debian sid (unstable), from my experience it’s actually more stable than testing because it gets updates even more often.

          And ditch Gnome. There is no way to be happy with it as it craps out very often and is a maintenance burden for maintainers, therefore the quality differs so much.

    • Mubelotix
      16 months ago

      Fedora => opposite of debian. Bleeding edge, but that means you have to spend an insane amount of time updating or it will reach EOL in no time

      • @pete_the_cat@lemmy.world
        16 months ago

        Fedora annoys me (even though I’ve been using it for like 2.5 years on my work laptop) because a lot of packages that would be in extra in something like the Ubuntu (and it’s derivatives) or Arch (and it’s derivatives) is in a separate repository that you have to add.

        • Mubelotix
          16 months ago

          I don’t mean downloading updates I mean manually updating your configuration to adapt to new versions of the software. That’s what takes time. I know 13 months is already quite high but it feels too low for me. I’m running servers over longer periods than that