It was one of the easiest to setup and it works flawlessly. I’m a bit paranoid about losing my data even with the backups… Any recommendation?

    21 year ago

    I tried Vault warden, but I didn’t find it better than KeePass which I have syncing over nextcloud to storage that is mounted over NFS for my desktop and laptop. There are plenty of clients so you can use windows, linux, android etc.

      11 year ago

      I ran Keepass synced through my Nextcloud for a long time as well, but I switched to Vaultwarden after loosing Passwords due to sync issues. Almost got locked out of an important account. Luckily I noticed it early enough to recover it through my Nextcloud’s versioning. But since then I’m too paranoid to rely on a password manager without a reliable syncing mechanism built-in if I’m gonna use it daily on a range of different devices.